peculiar people

peculiar through separation (part 2)

Peculiar People – Peculiar through Separation

Alright well we’re there in Titus 2. And I’d like you to look down at verse number 12 and the Bible says “Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, godly in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity,”. I want you to notice this phrase “and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”. On Sunday last week we started a series “Peculiar People” and we started out by talking about how to get the desires of your heart. Not the desires of your heart in a carnal way but the God given desires of your heart. And we’re talking about this idea of Peculiar People. If you remember, we said the word peculiar means uncommon, it means not average, not normal. And God desires us to be peculiar. Not strange as in odd but to be different from this world. And we see that in this passage where he see that he wants to purify unto himself a peculiar people. And he says that the way that’s done (the context of that) is in verse 12, where he says “Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, godly in this present world;”. See, in this world today God desires his people to live soberly, righteously, godly; a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

This morning what I want you to speak about is “Peculiar through Separation”. “Peculiar through Separation”. Let me say this, most churches today ignore the Biblical Teaching of Separation. We’re going to see this morning that the Bible teaches the Doctrine of Separation, the Concept of Separation. But the average church today is not going to teach you about Separation. They’re not going to teach you that God desires to have a people that are different, that are different, that are not like the world. In fact, most churches today are doing their best to look and act and feel like the world as much as possible. And it’s being ignored by churches, this teaching of separation. Because most churches are ignoring the Biblical Teaching of Separation, most Christians are ignorant of the Biblical Teaching of Separation. This is a very important doctrine and teaching for us to know. Now I realize that at Verity Baptist Church, this teaching has not been ignored. So when I say today we’re going to learn the concept of Separation, you’re going to say “I already know that. I’ve already learned that. I don’t to know anything knew.”. But I would remind you that in 1 Timothy 4:6 the Bible says “If thou”, this is Paul speaking to a preacher he’s training. He says “If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus”. The Bible tells me that as a Pastor my job is to put you in remembrance of things that maybe you already know, things you’ve already learned. But it’s just good to be reminded again and again of certain doctrines, certain things. So if you say “I’m here and I’m already living a separated life or I already know about the doctrine of separation.”. It’s good for you to be put in remembrance of these things. It’s good for you to be reminded of the things the Bible teaches.

Today what I want to do is just teach a very doctrinal sermon on the subject of separation because God desires for us to live a peculiar life through separation. Now I want to give you 3 things to consider in regard to this. So let’s start by talking about the philosophy of separation. When we’re talking about separation and living a separated life, what do we mean by that? And many of you are going to sit here and think you understand separation but I doubt that most Christians understand there are 2 sides and concepts to the doctrine of separation. So when we’re talking about the doctrine of separation, we must start with the obvious that we are to be separated from the world. One side of Separation is that we are supposed to live a separated life from the world. Now in John 17 we come in to the Lord’s prayer. Now it’s not the Lord’s prayer that most people call the Lord’s prayer, most people call the prayer where he says “Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name” but that wasn’t really Jesus praying but Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray. In John 17 we get to kind of sneak up on Jesus Christ and over hear him praying to God the Father. He’s actually praying to God. He’s not giving an example of how to pray but we actually get to see him pray to his Father.

And I want you to notice what he says in this prayer in John 17:9 “I pray for them. I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast given me for they are thine.”. He’s praying for those who are believers. What’s great about this passage is we see the Lord not only praying for those who believed on him at that time but he’s praying for you and for me. Notice verse 15, “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world”. I want you to notice that Jesus did not have a concept of separation that would line itself up with what the Amish teach or what the Mennonites or Christian Type Cults have done where they set up some sort of commune or community outside the world. See you can take separation to an unbiblical extreme where you take yourself physically away from the rest of the world. You say, would Jesus agree with that? And the answer is no. He says “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil”. Because of course, Jesus wants us to be a light to the world. He wants us to go out and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. He wants us to preach the gospel to every creature. So he doesn’t want us to physically remove ourselves from the world but he says that he wants us while they’re living in the world to not be of the world. Notice verse 16, “they are not of the world even as I am not of the world”. See, when it comes to this aspect of separation, one aspect of it is separation from the world. You say why would we separate from the world. Because what you need to understand is we are not of this world. If you are saved, you are not of this world.

Hebrews 11:13 “These all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off. And were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed. The word confess means admitted or acknowledged. Notice they “confessed that they strangers and pilgrims on the earth”. The word stranger in our King James Bible is the word that today we would call foreigner. He said they confessed, admitted, acknowledged that they were foreigners and that they were pilgrims. What’s a pilgrim? It’s a traveler or someone on a journey. Here’s what he’s saying. We are sojourners. We are strangers. We are pilgrims. We are travelers. We are foreigners on the earth. Look, when you got saved, you became a citizen of a different world. You are not of this world. You are simply here temporarily on a journey through this world but we are going to a better land. We are going to a better country. We are citizens of a different nation. And this is the concept of separation. When we talk about separation, the philosophy of separation, why live a separated life? Well first of all because you are not of this world.

But secondly, we are not to be conformed to this world. Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice; holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service”. When you present your bodies a living sacrifice, you are not exceptional, you are doing your reasonable service. Verse 2 “And be not conformed to this world”. The word conformed means to be patterned after. God says I don’t want you to conform yourself, or pattern yourself after this world but “be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. That ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God”. God says I don’t want you to be conformed or similar to the world. Sometimes people ask me, “Why is it that at Verity Baptist Church you guys sing those old hymns? Those old-fashioned hymns”. Because I went to a church down the street and they were singing music that was a little more contemporary. Here’s what they mean by that. They were singing music that was a little more worldly. You say why don’t you sing that music? Because we are not to be conformed to this world. You say at the church down the street, they turn off all the lights and they have spotlights and smoke coming from the stage. Ya, it looks like a rock concert. And it’s conformed to this world. Do you understand that? Here we’re told that God desires us to not be patterned, not be conformed to the world. You say why? Because we’re not of the world. With that, he desires us to come out of the world.

We are not of the world and we should come out of the world. 2 Corinthians 6:14 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness. And what communion hath light with darkness. And what concord hath Christ with Belial. Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel. And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols.”. Here’s what he’s saying, these things don’t go together. Light with darkness. Righteousness with unrighteousness. Christ with Belial. The temple of God with idols. “For ye are the temple of the living God. As God hath said I will dwell in them and will walk in them and I will be their God. And they shall be my people”. Don’t miss verse 17 “Wherefore, come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you.”. Here he tells us that we’re not of the world, we’re not to be conformed to this world and he wants us to come out from among them and be separate. Not physically separate because he told us that he didn’t want us to come out of the world but to be different from the world you’re in. And here’s the question you’ve got to ask yourself if you’re a believer, if you’re saved and as a believer you want to live the Christian life because those are 2 different things. You’ve now decided as a saved Christian that you want to being the process, you’ve already been saved but now you’d like to be sanctified, now you’d like to be separate, now you’d like to being the process of being a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. But here’s the question you have to ask yourself, if I as a Christian am not different from any other person around me then what’s wrong with me.

Look, if you go to work and tell all the same dirty jokes that they tell and you talk about all the same stupid things that they talk about, you listen to all the same heathen music that they listen to then where are you separate? How are you different? How are you peculiar as a people of God if you are just like them. And this is just the philosophy of separation. And the philosophy of separation is this, that when you got saved, you are no longer of this world or to be conformed to this world but you are commanded to come out of them and be ye separate to the world. Now look, we’re talking about the philosophy of separation. The philosophy of separation is this, that we are to be separated from the world. I think most Independent Fundamental Baptists understand that and believe that. Most of you are understand that. Whether or not you are living it out, you at least get that and understand that concept.

But there’s another side to separation and it’s the side that I think most people miss. One side to separation is separation from the world but there’s another side to separation. Now listen, if you’re sitting here asking what that other side of separation is, I’m not mad at you. As a Pastor I’ve failed to teach this but this is where the failure comes in with regards to Christianity when it comes to the 2nd side or other side of the coin with separation. See, separation has 2 sides to it. One side is separation from the world. Separated from the world. But the other side is separated unto God. You say, what does that mean? 1 Peter 1:16 “Because it is written Be ye holy for I am holy”. You see why does God want us to live separated lives? Because the word separate means set apart. It’s actually the same word as sanctification or holy which both mean set apart. When something is sanctified or made holy then it is set apart. How does something get set apart? Through the doctrine of separation. Come out from among them and be ye separate. Why does God want us to live holy, separated lives? Well here’s why he wants it, he said “Be ye holy for I am holy”. See God is separate. God is sanctified. God is holy. And God desires to have communion and fellowship with you but he cannot do it when you’re living a lustful, sinful, covetous, worldly life. So here’s what God says, I want to fellowship with you. I want to commune with you so I need you to be separated from the world. But it’s not just from the world. It’s to God.

1 Peter 2:9 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;”. You see, separation is from the world but it’s unto God. Many of you are familiar with the events that have happened over the last week. With events that transpired over the past week. A Pastor who failed recently. This is not a new story as this is happened before but a specific Pastor. A common question I hear from my church people and you are not wrong to ask this question. I’m trying to help you. It’s a question that I’ve gotten a lot and my wife has gotten a lot. I’ve seen it in comments people have said a lot. And people will say, how can it be that a Pastor can take such a strong stand on separation, preach so hard and so against the things of the world and yet at the same time be living a hypocritical life and be living in these major sins. How can that be? And the answer is that there’s a difference between being separated from the world and being separated unto God.

See the Muslims live a separated life but they don’t love God. Do you understand what I’m saying? The Amish live a separated life but that doesn’t mean they’re in love with Jesus. That doesn’t mean that they’re saved. That doesn’t mean that they’re doing right. See, as Fundamental Baptists we say we’re against this and that and look, I’m not against that type of preaching. I’m all for that. We ought to be against drinking. We ought to be against fornication. We ought to be against pornography. We ought to be against drugs. We ought to be against cussing. We ought to be against all of that. But when you think separation is simply living away from the world and there’s not an active desire to be close to God, you will fail. You will not live a separated life when your concept of separation is simply what we don’t do. And I’m all for what we don’t do but you better make sure there’s an aspect of yourself that is seeking God, that is searching the scriptures, that is in love with the Lord Jesus Christ, that is praying, that is feeding your spiritual life.

Because separation is not just from the world, it’s unto God. And the liberals will say “We love God.”. No you don’t when you’re fellowshipping with the world. But the Fundamental Baptists will say “We hate the world”. Well not really, if you’re not in love with God. See, separation has 2 sides and you must have both to do it right. From the world and unto God. Titus 2:14 “Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify himself a peculiar people zealous of good works”. When we talk about the philosophy of separation, what are we talking about? We’re talking about being separated from the world unto God.

But let’s talk about the practice of separation. We talked about the philosophy of separation but let’s talk about the practice of separation. There’s 2 aspects to the philosophy of separation, from the world and unto God. You say “Why do you keep saying that?”. Because I hope it sticks. From the world unto God. Look, it doesn’t matter how strict your dress standards are. It doesn’t matter how strict your tv standards or entertainment standards are. It doesn’t matter how strict of a life you’re living if you’re not reading the Bible, if you’re not praying, if you’re not walking with the Lord. You will fail. It’s not sustainable. You cannot sustain a separated life without walking in the Holy Spirit. That’s just the end of it. So it’s from the world unto God.

But when it comes to the practice of separation, there are 2 concepts to that as well. So to live a separated life, you must reject the things of this world. 1 John 2:15 “Love not the world. Neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world then the love of the Father is not in him”. This is why you can’t say “I love the world and the Father”. It doesn’t work that way. If you love the world, the love of the Father is not in you. For all that is in the world. For all that is in the world. For ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD. There’s nothing the world has to offer that doesn’t fall under these 3 categories. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, that’s all the world has to offer. If you live for the Devil, here’s what he’s going to offer you: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. And none of that is of the Father. He says it’s of the world. First, to practice separation, you must realize that everything the world has to offer is not good, it’s not clean. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world then the love of the Father is not in him. Because all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world. When it comes to living a separated life, you must reject the things of the world.

And look, for some of you, that’s where the problem is. For some people, that’s where the problem is. You’re not willing to reject the things of the world. You want to keep those things around. But look, you can’t be a peculiar people, you can’t live a separated life without realizing there are 2 sides to the coin – separated from the world unto God. But when it comes to the practice of a separated life, there are 2 aspects. One is to live a separated life but rejecting the things of the world. But there’s a second aspect to it. When it comes to the practice of separation, it means to live a separated life we reject the things of this world. But it also means this, that we must renew how we see the world. We must renew how we see the world. Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice; holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed”. See, I don’t want you to be like the world. I want you to be different. I want you to be transformed. You say how do I get there? By the renewing of your mind. To do separation you must be willing to reject the world and to renew your mind.

You see, especially for those who got saved later in life, you must realize we are constantly being brainwashed and lied to. And not just those saved later in life but all of us need to realize this. We just need to realize that anything the world has told us or taught us, we need to think differently from the world. We must renew your mind. And people often accuse churches like ours “Ah, that church is trying to brainwash you.”. Ya, your brain needs a good washing. “They’re trying to brainwash you”. Well, the public school system is trying to brainwash you. Hollywood is trying to brainwash you. Politicians are trying to brainwash you. Look, everyone is trying to get you to think a certain way. So you either allow the world to tell you that fornication is fine, divorce is fine, living like the devil is fine or you allow God’s Word to renew your mind. But look, to live a separated life you must be willing to reject the world and renew your mind. This is why when we have these talks with Christians and think “What in the world. How do you not understand? How do you not get it? How is this not clear”. But it’s because they have worldly minds. They’ve got minds that are on the things of this world. “But be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is the good and perfect and acceptable will of God”. This is the product of separation. 2 Corinthians 7:1 “Having therefore these promises beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”

So we talked about the philosophy of separation. We talked about the practice of separation. Let’s talk about the purpose of separation. And let me say this, I’m purposely not getting in to some specific things of separation because we’re going to spend the next several weeks getting in to really specific things of separation. This is kind of just meant to be a foundational sermon on the concept of separation and what we believe about separation. The philosophy of separation is this, from the world unto God. The practice of separation is rejecting the world and renewing your mind. What is the purpose of separation? We already talked about it a little but let’s explain more in depth to make sure everyone understands and we’ll be done. The purpose of separation is to establish a good relationship with God.

2 Corinthians 6:16 “And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God. As God hath said I will dwell in them”. Don’t miss that. “For ye are the temple of the living God”. Do you understand that when you got saved the Holy Spirit of God indwelled you. The Holy Spirit which is the 3rd member of the Trinity came to live inside you. Ye were sealed with the Spirit of God. He says “For ye are the temple of the living God. As God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people”. Look, here’s what he said. I’m already in you because you are the temple but I don’t want to just be in you but walk in you. I want you to be my God. I want you to be my people. I want to establish a good relationship with you. You say ok God, how do we do that? Verse 17 “Wherefore”, the word wherefore means for what reason. Because he wants to dwell in them and walk in them and be their God. And they will be his people. For that reason, come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing.

You say, what is the purpose of separation? To establish a good relationship with God. It’s to walk with God and have a good relationship with God where you could say or God would say that he is your God and you are his people. This is what separation is not – Some sort of challenge where we can compare and find out who is more right with God or who takes a stronger stand. “Well ya you believe in men having short hair but when you get a hair cut on the clip, you get a #5 and I get a #3”. And that’s an extreme example but let me say that here’s where Fundamentalists often fail. We make separation about how much we’re separated from the world and how much more separated am I than you. Because if I’m more separated than you then I must be more godly. That’s not the case. Just because you live a separated life, just because you’re separated from the world doesn’t mean you’re separated unto God. And when your Christianity becomes about always correcting your family or correcting your friends or correcting everyone on facebook or always trying to tell people why they’re wrong. Then here’s all I’m telling you is that you will fail. Because the purpose of separation is to establish a good relationship with God. It’s all about me & God. It’s not about me & you. Now look, we should preach separation. But it’s not about you and me and how separated we are. No, it’s about how separated am I from the world unto God. How close am I with God?

Why do you always feel the need to argue with everybody? Look, I’m not trying to hurt your feelings. I’m trying to help you. It’s funny, people come up to me & my wife and say “Well I do this”. Now look, the funny thing is that that we take a more strong stand than you but we don’t feel the need to tell you about it. Look, there’s something wrong if every time you do something right then you have to report it on facebook. The equivalent of that is with the Pharisees that every time they did something right they had to blow a trumpet to let everybody know. You’ve really got to ask yourself, what is your motivation for living a separated life? Is it just so you can do better and be better than everyone and make everyone feel bad. “Well I would never do that”. Well did anyone ask you what you would do? Seriously, I’m just trying to help you. When you want in to a conversation and say “Well I would never do that with my children”. Did they ask you? Well what is the need inside of you to correct them. Is it not enough that you’re walking humbly with God? I’m not saying we shouldn’t be preaching things. From the pulpit we teach and preach and reprove, rebuke and exhort. I’m saying you need to understand and examine your motives for why you do what you do. Because the purpose of separation is to establish and keep a good relationship with God.

James 4:4 “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God”. You can’t have it both ways. You’re either a friend of the world and the enemy of God or a friend of God and the enemy of the world. This is why Jesus said that if you’re lukewarm I’m going to spue you out of my mouth. Ephesians 4:30 “And grieve not the Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.”. You say, how can I grieve the Spirit. Well look, if you’re saved he’s in there. He’s in there no matter what you do. And when you sin, you take him with you. And when you do wrong, you take him with you. And God says please don’t grieve the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. The word grieve means to feel intense sorrow or to cause distress.

We talked about the philosophy of separation. What is the philosophy of separation? It’s to be separated from the world unto God. It’s not enough to be separated from the world and not unto God. It’s not enough to be separated unto God but still worldly. If you’re not going to do it right then don’t do it at all. The philosophy of separation is from the world unto God. The practice of separation, you say how can I live a separated life. We’re going to teach you some practical, specific things on how to live a separated life. But before you get there, the way you prepare for that is to make 2 decisions. I will reject the world and I will renew my mind. So when you hear the sermon on clothing and say “I’ve never heard that before about clothing. I didn’t know the Bible talked so much about clothing”. Just remember, I’m choosing to reject the world and renew my mind. Maybe there’s some things I didn’t realize I needed to change in my life. Reject the world, renew your mind. What’s the purpose? To establish a good relationship with God and to keep a good relationship with God. I want to you this example and I’ve used it here before and I used to when I was guest preaching but I didn’t ask anybody to volunteer so I’m going to ask these guys to volunteer. Hopefully they don’t mind but if I could have Arthur and RJ help me.

2 Timothy 3:13 “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived”. Let’s use these 2 guys as an example. Arthur is definitely the most worldly of the 2 of them and RJ is more spiritual. I’m just kidding. They’re both great. But let’s just say that Arthur represents the world and RJ represents the Christian. The problem with many Fundamentalists is that they believe separation is a distance from the world. Most people that this is separation. That they are to keep a distance from the world. Because the world is bad. And as a Christian I’m not supposed to be like the world. The problem with the belief system that separation is just a distance from the world is that 2 Timothy 3:13 says this “That evil men and seducers shall wax worse & worse, deceiving and being deceived”. You see the problem with believing that separation is just a distance from the world is that the world is that the world is actually getting worse and worse. So if Arthur who represents the world is getting worse & RJ who represents the Christian believes that separation is just a distance from the world, as long as he stays a certain distance from the world, he’s a good Christian. Here’s the problem with that, as the world gets worse, so do the Christians. Before long, now the Christian is standing where the world used to stand. And before long, the Christian is worse than the world used to be. And this is what we see in Christianity today. The music and the topics and the sermons that are going on in the average church in America today are worse than what the world used to believe about 100 years ago, then the world used to act 100 years ago. And the problem is this, they thought separation was just a distance. See separation is not a distance, it’s a stand.

If I believe that Christianity and my beliefs are a set of standard (And this is what we’re going to talk about next week of developing certain standards), if my separation is not about how good I am compared to the world or how good I am compared to other Christians, but if my separation is based on the word of God then here’s what that does for you, no matter how bad the world gets, I’m standing where the Word of God stands. See, there was a time when most Christians believed what we believe about homosexuality right now. Did you know most Christians don’t believe what we do about homosexuality? Because they thought separation from the world was a distance. The world embraces homosexuality today. The Christians say “Well we don’t think homosexuality is good but as long as we don’t…”. No, why don’t you just stand where God tells you to stand? Why don’t you just believe what God tells you to believe? Here’s all I’m trying to explain and we’re done. When we believe that separation is a distance from the world then we will get worse & worse because the world gets worse and worse. And that explains what we see in Christianity today. That explains what we see in the Old IFB today. Separation is not a distance from the world. It is a separation from the world unto God by rejecting the world. And if the world wants to just get on to a train to hell, let them. We’re going to stand right here. Because we’ve rejected the world and renewed our minds. And our purpose or point is not to just be better than but to establish a good relationship with God.

Let’s bow our heads and close in a word of prayer.