Creation vs. evolution

the heavens declare (part 3)

Creation vs. Evolution – The Heavens Declare

Alright well we’re there in Psalm 136. And as you know, we’re going through a series. This is now the 3rd part of a series on this topic of Creation vs. Evolution. And I do want to encourage you if you haven’t been here for the last 2 sermons, I want to encourage you to go on our website and go to the MP3 file or go to our youtube and watch the video. Because these sermons in some ways are kind of building on each other. If you remember the 1st week we talked about the foolishness of atheism. The Bible says that the Fool hath said in his heart there is no God.

And we talked about all of those things that would not exist if there was no God. Like moral absolutes, conscience, soul, value to life. Last week we went through a sermon called science falsely so called. And we went through all of the so called scientific evidence that they have for evolution. And we showed how it’s not science at all. Because science is something that can be observed, predicted, experimented upon. And we can perform tests on it. This week we’re going to talk about, and the title of the sermon is The Heavens Declare. And we’re going to talk about how nature reveals or nature points to a creator.

And you’re there in Psalm 136. I want you to look at Psalm 136:5. “5 To him that”. I want you to notice these words “by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever.” The Bible tells us here that the heavens were created by God but they were not just created in a sense where because he’s omnipresent that he made it happen. And of course we understand that that is the case. God is omnipresent. God is omnipotent. God does have all power.

But the Bible does tell us that it wasn’t just his power, though it was his power which we will see in a minute. When he created the heavens, he created using his wisdom. Psalms 104:24 “24 O LORD,” Notice what he says “how manifold” The word manifold means how many or how numerous. How many or “how manifold are thy works!” Notice what he says “in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.” So here we are told the works of God, they were made in wisdom. And specifically the earth is referenced here. And we’re told again that it was done in wisdom. It was a wise God. A wise creator who put all of this in to existence.

Go to the book of Job. I just want you to see these references in scripture. Because this is kind of the underlying thought of the sermon this morning. Last week we talked about the fact that the science that they use to prove evolution is faulty. But now, we’re not necessarily talking about evolution although we’ll talk about it I’m sure. But we’re talking about creation itself. Job 37:14 “14 Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still,” Notice what it says. Notice what God says. “and consider” The word consider means to think carefully about. So here Job and you and I are being told to consider this. To think about this. To ponder upon this. “And to consider the wondrous works of God.”

We are told that we are to consider and think about and ponder upon the wondrous works of God. Look at verse 15. “15 Dost thou know when God disposed them, and caused the light of his cloud to shine? 16 Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds,”. Notice what he says in verse 16. “the wondrous works of him which is perfect”. Notice these 2 words “in knowledge?” Do you see that? So the Bible tells us that God created the earth. God created the heaven and the earth. All his works are done in wisdom. Here in Job we see that they were not only done in wisdom but they were done in knowledge.

Jeremiah 10:12 “12 He hath made the earth by his power,”. So was miraculous power involved? Of course it was. “He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world”. Notice what it says “by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion.”. So here we’re told that he made, he established the world by his wisdom. And he stretched out the heavens by his discretion. So in the Bible, when we look at the Word of God, God did create heaven and earth and all that in them is. He created all of that by his power. But we’re told that he also did it by his wisdom and his knowledge and his discretion.

Romans 1:19 “19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.” Notice verse 20. “20 For the invisible things of him from”. Notice these 2 words “the creation” Do you see that? “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,”. You say well how do we see the invisible things of him from the creation of the world. Notice what it says “being understood by the things that are made,”. You say well how can we understand creation? How can we understand? Because it says that God is manifest in them. For God hath showed it unto them. How can we understand the invisible things of him from the creation of the world. And we’re told that we can understand it by the things that are made “even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”.

So here’s what I want you to understand, according to Romans 1, we should be able to look at the creation. And looking at creation, understand the things that are made. And according to Psalms, Job, the reference in Jeremiah, the references we’ve been looking at. We should be able to look at the creation and not only see the eternal power and Godhead, but we should be able to look and see that it was a wise God, that it was a knowledgeable God, that it was a God with discretion that set these things in order.

And here’s what I want you to understand. We should be able to consider. Right? Job was told consider. We should be able to consider the creation and see a wise and knowledgeable creator. We should be able to look at nature and consider it and ponder it and think about it and it should point towards the fact that this was not a mistake. That this was not an accident. That this is not a result of an explosion. That all of this was set in motion and it took someone that was all powerful and all knowledgeable. We should be able to see that it took a knowledge and wisdom. Today, many Creationists call it Intelligent Design. I don’t necessarily like that term. It’s a term they use. And we’ll see it in some of these quotes here. But we should be able to look at nature and see that it was a wise, knowledgeable creator who set these things in to motion.

Go to Psalms. Psalms 19. Now I’m going to show you some specific references in scripture that God specifically says, “Look at this and it will show you a wise, knowledgeable creator”. Psalms 19 “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” Here, David under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost said “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” Turn to Psalm 136. Psalm 136:5 notice what the Bible says “5 To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy endureth for ever.”. Notice verse 6, “6 To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever. 7 To him that made great lights: for his mercy endureth for ever: 8 The sun to rule by day: for his mercy endureth for ever: 9 The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever.”.

Here we are being told exactly what it is that God did create when he created the heavens and the earth. He created not only the heavens. We’re told that the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament which is another word for the word heaven, and the firmament sheweth his handywork. We’re also told in Psalm 136 that he stretched out the earth. That he made great lights, the sun, the moon, the stars. And here’s what I want you to understand. We should be able to look at the complexity of the universe. Now, remember what I’ve been saying every sermon in this series. My goal in this series is not to prove God to you. We cannot do that. You must come to God by faith. But without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. We must come to God in faith.

My goal is not to say, hey look at these things that will prove God to you. But here’s what I want you to consider this morning. When you look at the complexity of the creation, does it point, does it indicate towards the fact that there was a wise, knowledgeable creator? Or does it point and indicate towards chaos? Towards a big explosion, a big bang. Towards animals killing each other and surviving just by being more fit than others. Is that what the creation points at? So, I want to give you several examples this morning. We saw here in Psalm 19 that we should be able to look at the heavens. We should be able to look at the earth and the sun and the moon and the stars and see.

So point 1 this morning, I would like you to consider the complexity of the Universe. Let me give a quick disclaimer and say this, I am not a scientist not do I want to be one. I am a Pastor. Alright. I spend my days studying the Word of God. So I’m not going to sit here and try to act like I just know all this stuff or whatever. I’m going to read quotes from you. And if you’ve noticed in the last several sermons I’ve read quotes for you because of the fact that I’d rather read to you quotes from someone who is a scientist or someone who does know what they are talking about or someone who thinks they know what they’re talking about in some cases.

Rather than trying to sit here and try to regurgitate something you know that I watched on youtube or something like that. I’m going to read to you something from an article,, and this is not a quote from a Christian. In fact the title of the article is this, what is the Goldilocks Zone and what does it matter in search of ET. So these are supposedly scientists that are looking for Extraterrestrial Life on other planets. This is what these people do for a living. But I want you to notice what they say in this article.

“The goldilocks zone refers to the habitual zone around a star where the temperature is just right. Not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on a planet.“

Now up to that point I agree. I think it’s great.

“Liquid water is essential for life as we know it. Where we find liquid water on earth, we also find life.” Now they’re going to quote from Professor John Webb from the University of New South Wales. ‘The only life we know about is our carbon-based life and water plays a crucial part in our existence. And so it’s only natural that we direct our attention to planets in locations capable of having liquid water.’. And he’s saying in order to search for life on other planets. You lost me alright. You lost me at Star Trek. But here’s what I want you to understand. They acknowledge, in fact they have a term for it, they call it the goldilocks zone. And of course goldilocks if you remember the story….The porridge was too hot and too cold and she finally found the one just right. And they acknowledged the fact that the earth, where it sits in relation to the sun is in this goldilocks zone. It’s in the perfect place for it to be in order for it to sustain life. Let me read to you another quote, this from a website This is a creation website.

They wrote this “Earth is the only planet circling our sun on which life as we know it could and does exist. Like no other planet, ours is covered with green vegetation, enormous blue-green oceans, containing over a million islands, hundreds of thousands of streams and rivers, huge land masses called continents, mountains, ice scapes, and deserts that produce a spectacular variety of color and texture. Some form of life is found in virtually every ecological niche on the earth’s surface. Even in the extreme Antarctica, hardy microscopic beings thrive in ponds. Tiny wingless insects live in patches of moss and likyn and plants grow and flowers yearly. From the apex of the atmosphere to the bottom of the oceans, from the coldest part of the poll to the warmest part of the equator, life thrives here. To this day, no evidence of life has been found on any other planet.

The earth is immense in size, about 8000 miles in diameter with a mass calculated at roughly 6.6 by 1021 tons. The earth is on average 93 million miles from the sun. If the earth traveled much faster in its 584 million mile long journey around the sun, its orbit would become larger and it would move farther away from the sun. If it moved too far from the narrow habitable zone (the zone they refer to as the goldilocks zone), all life would cease to exist on earth. If it traveled a little slower then the earth would move closer to the sun and all life would likewise perish. The earth’s 365 day, 6 hour, 49 minute and 9.5 second trip around the sun is consistent to over 8 thousandths of a second. If the yearly average temperature on the earth’s surface changed by only a few degrees or so, much of the life on it would eventually roast or freeze. This change would upset the water to ice ratio and other critical balances with disastrous results. If the earth rotated slower on its axis then all life would die in time by other freezing at night due to lack of heat or from the sun by burning during the day from too much heat. Our normal earth processes are surely unique in our solar system and according to what we know in the entire Universe”.

And here’s all I want you to understand. Where the earth sits right now, the planet that you and I have being living on for however old you are, traveling hundreds of you know I mean as far as this article tells us, at the speed that this article tells us, it sits exactly where it needs to sit in order for life to be able to thrive here. Now you can say, well, that’s just a coincidence or you can say no, that was by design. But here’s what I want you to understand. Where the earth sits in relation to the sun is exactly where it needs to be.

But it’s more than just that. Because you can say, well that’s just a coincidence. This is just the planet that won the lottery. But here’s what I want you to understand, not only where the earth sits in relation to the sun is exactly where it needs to be in order for life to exist, but also the laws of physics are perfectly balanced for life to be able to exist. Let me read a quote to you from a man named Robin Collins. And he is a philosopher with degrees in mathematics and physics. This is an interview that he did for the Case for the Creator.

He says this “The laws of physics are balanced on a razor’s edge for life to occur”. For example, if you didn’t have something like gravity that pulled matter together, you would never get planets. You wouldn’t get stars. You wouldn’t get any complex organisms. If you didn’t have a strong nuclear force, there would be nothing to hold protons and neutrons together in the nucleus and you wouldn’t have any atoms. So, no chemistry. If you didn’t have the electromagnetic force, you would have no bonding between chemicals, no light and the list goes on and on.

So, you need all these sorts of fundamental principles to be in place in order for life to occur. Wipe out 1 of those principles, wipe out 1 of those laws and you have no life. We are told that there are about 30 laws of physics and nature that have to be exactly where they are at in order for life to occur. And here’s what I want you to understand, when you look at the Universe, when you look at the solar system, when you look at the earth and the moon and the stars and the heavens, what it looks like, what it looks like is that the Universe has been fine tuned and this planet has been fine tuned for life to be able to occur here.

Jay Richards, philosopher, said this in the same interview. He says “If the Universe looks like it is fine tuned for complex life, maybe there is a fine tuner. Maybe it was fine tuned for life”. Here’s what journalist Lee Strobel said “Why is it that the planet earth just happens to have this incredibly elaborate and self-sustaining ecosystem. And beyond that the physics of the universe is calculated on a razor’s edge for life to exist. Is all this a mere accident? Or does it point to an intelligent designer?

And the point I’m making is this, when you look at the laws of physics, does that prove God? No. And we don’t attempt to. This is a church. We are a religion. The main thrust, the main difference between us and evolution is that they won’t admit that they are a religion. They won’t admit that you have to accept what they say by faith. That there is no science behind it. We’re not telling you any of this proves there is a God. But what I am saying is this, when you observe and consider the heavens, when you are observe and consider the earth and the sun and the moon and the stars, does that indicate a wise and knowledgeable creator who gave us a perfect environment for life to be able to exist. Or does that point toward explosions, nothingness. You say, well that’s that the heavens. The complexity of the heavens. Maybe that’s not convincing enough.

Ok, well let’s talk about the complexity of animal life. If you’re there in Psalms, I’d like you to go back to Job. Job 12. And look at verse #7. Does nature declare a wise and knowledgeable God? Job 12:7 “7 But ask now the beasts,” The beasts are the animals. “and they shall teach thee;” The Bible says that if we ask the beasts then they will teach us. “and the fowls” Those are the birds ”of the air, and they shall tell thee: 8 Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. 9 Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this?” So I want you to notice the last part of verse 9. It says the hand of the Lord hath wrought. The word wrought means has worked or produced. This produced what? The beasts. The fowls. The earth. The fishes. He says, if you ask the earth, if you ask the fishes, if you ask the beasts, if you ask the animals, they will tell you that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this. Now of course you don’t physically go home and grab your goldfish and say “Hey, is there a God”. Ok, he’s not going to talk to you. But here’s what I want you to understand, we should be able to look at the complexity of animal life. Of the beasts. Of the birds. Of the fishes. And be able to see that they declare to us that there is a wise and knowledgeable creator who created them.

I’d like to read a quote to you from Charles Darwin himself. Charles Darwin wrote this in his book “The Origin of Species”. Of course this is the famous book that promoted evolution. He said this, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down”. So, here’s what he’s saying. If you can find an animal that there is no way it evolved to its state. That the state that it happens to be in could not have happened with numerous successive slight modifications, you would disprove my theory of evolution. Psalms 104:24 “24 O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. 25 So is this great and wide sea, wherein are” Notice what he says “things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts.”.

So God says hey, look at the animals and they’ll show you that the complexity of animal life indicates that there is a wise and knowledgeable creator. Now, we could spend hours just going through example after example. I’m not going to do that. But I think it’s interesting because in Psalm 104, he specifically talks about creeping. About things creeping. Referring to insects. And I want to read for you about this article by a named Dr. Martin from the Exploration Films. And he talks about an insect that basically disproves evolution by Charles Darwin’s own admonition. Because this animal could not have been formed by numerous, successive slight modifications. Let me read to you from this interview.

He said this “The first thing that we really studied together”. He’s talking about when he was first exposed to evolution. Because he was an evolutionist. And he was first exposed to this idea that there was another idea there of Creation Science. And he began to look in to it. And he said “The first thing that we really studied together was this little book called The Bombardier Beetle. And this little insect is about a half inch long. And it mixes chemicals that explode”. Now I had never really heard of this animal until I prepared this sermon. I found that my kids actually studied about it in their curriculum. So some of you kids might know about this already.

Let me keep reading “This little bug called a Bombardier Beetle. And this little insect is about a half inch long. And it mixes chemicals that explode. So I started to think, ok, how would this creature evolve. Let’s say that evolution is true and you’re evolving along here and you don’t have a defense mechanism because that is the defense mechanism of the bug. So if evolution is true, it had to somehow evolve that.”. Now he’s referring to evolving the defense mechanism. The fact that it can mix these chemicals and create an explosion. “So let’s say that it’s coming along here. Well the first time it evolves, the explosion, what does it do to the book? Boom. You just splattered your bug. So ok, splattered bug pieces don’t evolve”. And I’m going to get back to the interview but let me just explain to you what he’s referring to. Let me read to you from another article about this bombardier beetle. From the ICR Website.

It says this “This scientist”. This is a different scientist – Dr. Herman Shieldneck. “This scientist found out that first of all the bombardier beetle mixes up to 2 times of chemicals. Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydroquinone. Now the marvelous thing about this is, if you or I went in to a chemical laboratory, and mixed these chemicals, Boom! We would blow ourselves up. But not the bombardier beetle. When he mixes these 2 chemicals, he makes sure to add another kind of chemical called an inhibitor. The inhibitor somehow prevents the other 2 chemicals from blowing up.

In other words, they just sit there together real peaceful like. The beetle then stores this liquid in to 2 storage chambers ready to be used when needed.”. He goes on in the article and says this “How does Mr. BB” Referring to the Bombardier Beetle. “Make the chemical solution explode at the right time even though it has an inhibitor? Dr. Shieldneck found out just at the exact moment, Mr. BB wants to fire his 2 canons, he squirts an anti-inhibitor. The anti-inhibitor neutralizes the inhibitor. And the 2 chemicals, the Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydroquinone can then react violently together and explode.”. Now let me go back to finish the other article.

He says “The explosion on this little bug, all you hear as you are listening as a human is this pop. But scientists have put this explosion in slow motion and it’s like 1,000 sequential little explosions. But they are so fast that all we hear is 1 pop. And so you think, why would that be? Well, that was a curious thing for the scientists that studied this little bug. A lot of them at Cornell University and some other places and what they discovered that if it was just 1 big pop he’s going to pop himself right out of there. It’s like lighting a burner on a jet engine. But as long as it is sequential explosions then his little leg hang on, then how would evolution explain a sequential explosion.

This little bug messes with all the theories of evolution. There is no way a slow, gradual process is going to produce this bug. How could this particular little animal for instance evolve. It needed all of its parts. It needed everything all at once or you just don’t have the animal. So again, this idea that evolution teaches that you just slowly, successively add genes to the gene pool and you create this animal, would not work for this bombardier beetle. Because if it doesn’t have everything it needs then it will just blow itself up. You say, does that prove God? Not necessarily. But I think it absolutely disproves evolution. There’s no way that this bug evolved over millions of years or whatever. But here’s the thing, it came in to existence all at once. That’s the only way that that could have happened.

Psalms 104:24 “24 O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. 25 So is this great and wide sea,” I want you to notice the reference there. “So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts.”. So he tells us, hey, look at the creeping things. We looked at 1. The Bombardier Beetle. Could that have evolved? No. There’s no way that could have happened over millions of years. But he also says look at the great and wide sea both small and great beasts. He says, if you look at the great beasts and the wide sea, they’ll show you that there was a wise creator God. Which I thought was interesting. Because evolutionists teach that the whale in the oceans today evolved from a land animal to a sea animal. In fact the national center of science and education has literature that states a cow basically evolved in to a whale. And that’s what they teach. But God says hey, look at the great and wide sea. Look at the great beasts. Now, let me just read to you something real quickly about the whale.

This is from And they said this, “many changes would have had been necessary to convert a land mammal in to a whale. Including immergence of a blow hole with muscular and nerph control. Modification of eyes for permanent underwater vision. Ability to drink sea water. 4 limbs transformed in to flippers. Modification of skeletal structure. Ability to nurse young underwater. Origin of tail flutes and muscular. Blubber for temperature insulation. All of those changes would have had to happen to turn a land mammal in to a whale.”. So here’s the question I have for evolutionists. Did all of that happen gradually over millions of years? I mean did you have a cow or whatever that turned in to a whale? It had all the blubber for temperature insulation but no blow hole so it can’t breathe. It had the blow hole but it can’t nurse young underwater so nothing survives. It has the ability to nurse young underwater but it’s going to freeze to death because it doesn’t have the blubber needed for temperature insulation. It can’t drink sea water.

See, evolutionists want you to think that over millions of years we can have these little tiny changes that can change a land mammal in to a water animal requires a lot of changes that happen immediately. The thing can’t just survive underwater you know for millions of years it was blind. For millions of years it couldn’t breathe. For millions of years it couldn’t feed its young underwater. But eventually it all caught up and now we have the whale today. It doesn’t work. It’s not science. And here’s all I’m saying. Here’s all I’m saying. When you look at the complexity of nature. When you look at the complexity of animals. Of insects. Of the stars. Of the heavens. Does it point towards the fact that there is no direction. There is just natural selection. There is just chaos. Or does it point towards the fact of what the Bible says that it took a wise and discerning and knowledgeable God to put all of this into motion. What does nature indicate? Because the Bible says that we can understand creation by looking at the things that are made.

Let me give you another one. And there’s so much that we could go in to. And I just don’t have the time to. Psalms 139:13-15 “13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.” Notice verse 14. “14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”. Not only does the Bible say that the heavens declare the glory of God. Not only does the Bible say the beasts and the animals do as well. But the Bible says that we can look at our own creation. “14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 15 My substance was not hid from thee,” He says that the things that I was made of, the substance I was made of, it’s not hid from me. “when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” He’s talking about a human being formed in the womb.

By the way, this chapter proves that God knows them, loves them and created them. They are just as much human as anyone sitting here today. Evolution has definitely played a part in the abortion holocaust that our nation is experiencing today. According to evolution, we’re just animals anyway whether we are in the womb or not. And that we aren’t humans and all that craziness. But the Bible says here, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. So we should be able to look at the complexity of our own bodies. And it should indicate the fact that there is a wise and knowledgeable creator. Now we could look at a lot of different things. We could look at how our blood system works, our eyes or a lot of different things.

But I want to focus in on the human cell. I want you to consider the complex of the cells and ask yourself, does this indicate that there was a wise and knowledgeable creator? Now if you remember our quotes from Charles Darwin, he said that if it could be demonstrated that any complex organism existed which could not possible by formed by numerous, successive slight modifications then my theory would absolutely break down. Now I want to read to you from a website – It’s an article called irreducibly complexity. The challenge to the Darwinian Evolution Explanation of many biochemical structures.

Let me read some of it to you. “Michael Behe, Biochemical Researcher and Professor at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania claimed to have shown exactly what Darwin showed would destroy the theory of evolution through a concept he calls irreducible complexity. In simple terms, this idea applies to any system of interacting parts where the removal of any one part destroys the function of the entire system. An irreducibly complex system then requires each and every component to be in place before it will function. Note what this implies. In an irreducibly complex system, things can’t come together in a gradual matter. All things must be in place before it functions at all. A step by step approach to a system will result in a useless system until all parts are added. The system requires all of the components to be added at the same time in the right configuration before it works at all”.

So that’s what he refers to as that irreducible complexity. Now, let’s talk about biology. How does irreducible complexity apply to biology? “Behe notes that early this century, before biologists really understood the cell, they had a very simplistic model of its inner workings. Without the electron microscope and other advanced techniques that now allow scientists to pear in to the inner workings of the cell, it was assumed that the cell was a fairly simple blob of protoplasm. That the cell was a black box that couldn’t be observed to perform various functions with unknown inner workings which were mysterious. Therefore it was easy and justifiable to assume that the cell was a simple collection of molecules. But not anymore. Technological advancements have given us detailed information of the inner workings of the cell”.

So here’s what I want you to understand. When Darwin wrote his book and the theory of evolution was promoted, people did not have an understanding of the human cell. They understood that they existed. They understood that they performed functions. But they didn’t understand how they worked. And they looked at them as not very complex organisms. They looked at them as fairly simple blobs of protoplasm. And they just kind of thought that they were these molecules and they were no big deal. And in fact they thought that was the first step. Like we talked about last week, we talked about the primordial soup, just chemicals swimming in an ocean. And that accidentally turned in to a cell. Now here’s the thing about that. We’ve learned a lot more about the human cell since Darwin wrote his book.

Let me read for you an article from Bacteria Flagellum: Evidence for a Creator. This is by a man named CL Taylor. And I won’t read all of it to you. But I’ll read you enough to make the point. “There’s an amazing little rotary engine that is in use trillions upon trillions of times every day that provides irrefutable evidence that there is a creator. Like an outboard motor, this engine has a propeller, stator, motor, universal joint, drive shaft and bushings. And is perhaps one of the most energy efficient machines in the world.”

Now I want you to understand, they’re not just calling the parts by those names to make a point. That’s what they are. They are called that because this little flagellum literally has a propeller, stator, motor and all of those things.

“The propeller operates between 6,000 and 100,000 revolutions per minute. And can completely reverse its direction within a quarter turn of its body. You might guess that it is a machine used in heavy industry. But without an electron microscope, you cannot see this incredible piece of machinery called a flagellum. It is the motor that propels bacteria. Bacteria are essential to life. They aid in the digestion of bacteria.”. And I’ve got a picture in case any of the kids want to see it. It’s literally just a machine. Of course it’s not metal or plastic. But this thing is basically an engine that our cells use to travel and do the things that they need to do.

Let me keep reading here “The flagellum helps the bacteria move through liquid. It is composed of 30 to 40 working parts and makes up a system. Michael Behe, Professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh University, calls irreducibly complex. Meaning no part of the machine is of any value without the other parts. This is a big problem for evolution because any part of the organism would not and could not evolve over time. All must be present to function. And without even 1 small part, the flagellum would be useless. Evolution teaches that bacteria were one of the first life forms to evolve. But most bacteria could not survive without this incredible outboard motor of the flagellum. When Darwin proposed the theory of evolution, he did not have access to an electron microscope and believed the cell was the smallest and simplest component of living creatures. We now know that living cells contain a host of specialized machinery to keep the cell healthy, repaired and reproducing. The Documentary the hidden life of a cell states that there are at least a billion little machines in each of the 120 trillion cells that make up a human being”.

And there is more here that I could read. “How can anyone who honestly studies living cells doubt that a superior intelligence created them. Even if evolutionists could explain the irreducibly complex mechanisms of a system like a flagellum and they do try, they can’t account for the intelligence inside of them. Who tells the flagellum to rotate and where to go and what to do? Who tells it how to build or repair itself and abort production if something goes wrong? Biochemists and engineers and scientists in every field have come to see that the premise behind Darwinism that life is a result of blind chance and mindless undirected evolution is not supportable. And the only reasonable explanation for life is intelligent design”.

And again, I’m not telling you that this proves God. Nor would I try. But here’s the question I have. Because the whole point of the sermon is this. We started reading all of those passages. According to the Bible, we should, in fact the Bible tells us that we should be able to consider and observe the creation. Specifically creeping things, birds, animals, beasts. We should be able to look at the earth and the sun and the moon. We should be able to look at our own substance and the things that our body was made of and it should indicate to us, it should show and reveal. You say, what should it show? That whoever created us was very knowledgeable. Very wise. That flagellum motor that runs all the cells that make you up. That thing was designed. And look, if we could design a motorcycle or a car that could have an engine that could have 100,000 RPM per minute, there would be no survival of the fittest. None of us would survive that thing, right? And here’s what I’m telling you, whoever designed us was wise, knowledgeable, very discerning in his ability to create. And the Bible states that it was God.

Like I said, we could give you 100 examples. I just want to give you a few to ask you, when you look at the complexity of the universe, when you look at how the earth sits exactly where it needs to in relation to the sun in order to exist, when you look at the laws of physics which we’re told are about 30 of them which all have to be in the perfect place, because gravity is not the same everywhere. All of these laws are not the same everywhere. But they all had to be in the right place, balanced. At the right places for life to occur. Does that point towards chaos? Or does that point towards a wise and knowledgeable creator God? When we look at the complexity of animal life, does that point towards chaos? Or does that point towards design? A wise, knowledgeable creator God. When you look at the complexity of cells, does that point towards chance? Oh man we just got lucky. Look, we couldn’t build a flagellum, it couldn’t evolve. All of the parts had to be there.

And by the way, there is another article that shows that the way the DNA and RNA holds the information needed to produce these cells. And the idea is that you have to have the molecular machines there to be able to evolve. But you couldn’t get the information to create those machines until it had evolved. And they gave this example, they said imagine if you had the instructions to build the first DVD player but the instructions were locked in a DVD. How would you build it? You’ve got all of the instructions that you need to build the first DVD player but they are all in a DVD. And of course you say how did it happen in real life? Well here’s how it happened in real life. You had an intelligent human designer that designed both at the same time. But in nature you have the same thing. It all came into existence at the same time. It was all designed and created by God.

See, creation indicates that there is a wise and knowledgeable creator. Does it prove God? No. Does it disprove evolution? I think so. But it does indicate, it does indicate that there was a God, there is a God who is wise and knowledgeable. Now of course we shouldn’t come to church without having a little bit of application for our own souls and spirit. Psalms 139:14-16 “14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:” Can’t we really say that this morning? We are fearfully and wonderfully made. “marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” Notice verse 17.

This God, this creator who not only has enough knowledge and ability to set the stars and solar system and universe in motion. But he has enough time and intelligence to be able to go down to those smallest cells and make sure it’s got the right engines and abilities to be able to do what that does. And these cells are like universes in and of itself in our bodies. And that creator God in verse 17 it says about him “17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God!” The God that created all of us, did you know that he thinks about you. “how great is the sum of them!” The sum of what? The thoughts he has about you and me. “18 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.”

And if you’re a child here today. If you’re in college. If you’re being taught these lies about evolution. If you’re being taught that you are nothing more than an accident. You are nothing more than an animal that evolved with no value or purpose to your life. I want you to understand this today. Not only does nature point toward the fact that there is a wise, creator God. Btu the Bible reveals the fact that there is a wise creator God who cares and thinks about you. Who loves you. Who has a purpose and a plan for you. That’s what the Bible teaches. So what are you doing to live in that plan? What are you doing to live in that purpose? See the funny thing about Christians is that we say we don’t believe in evolution but we live our lives as if evolution is true. We say that we believe that there is a creator God. We say that we believe there is a God who gave us the Bible. But when it comes to actually following what the Bible says, we’ll live like there is no God. God thinks about you. God has a plan for you. God has a purpose for you.

Let’s pray.