The Biblical Leadership Institute, created by Pastor Roger Jimenez, offers a program to train men in leadership and to train men who aspire to enter the ministry. The courses are designed to be highly practical “how to” lessons created to help develop men into Biblical leaders in their homes, churches, careers, and ministry. The Biblical Leadership Institute has two tracks – leadership and ministry. The leadership track will offer courses to help develop an individual’s leadership ability. Examples of the courses provided are: “Leading Self and Personal Success,” “Lessons on Leadership,” “Biblical Leadership,” and more. These courses will teach men how to be Biblical Leaders in all areas of their personal and professional lives. The Ministry track will provide courses designed to train men for the ministry. Examples of classes are: “How to Study the Bible,” “How to Preach,” “How to Perform Ceremonies and Ordinances,” “Church Growth,” and more. These courses will help develop the skills of a man entering the ministry to run, lead, and grow a church without compromise.
The Biblical Leadership Institute is a three-year program. The program includes two in-person classes per semester and two semesters (Fall and Spring) per year for three years. The classes are open only to men.
The in-person classes will be six-week courses. These six weeks will be five lectures, and the last week will be a test day. The students must take notes during the lectures (no handouts will be provided). The test will cover the materials taught in class and the reading assignments. The student will only be allowed to miss one class per six-week course to pass the class.
Attending the classes and passing the test are required to complete the course. If a student fails the course due to missing more than one class or failing the test, he will be allowed to retake the course for free (if he is a member of VBC) when it is offered again in three years. If the student wishes to retake the course before three years, the student may purchase the video version online and retake it when the course is available. No member of Verity Baptist Church will ever be charged to take a course offered at the Biblical Leadership Institute.
Bible classes must also be taken at home to finish the ministry program. Examples of Bible courses offered are as follows: “Bible Doctrines,” “Old Testament Survey,” “New Testament Survey” “Life of Christ” and more. The at-home Bible courses will have a fill-in-the-blank worksheet with questions. Completion of the worksheets is required to complete the course.
The courses taught at the Biblical Leadership Institute will be highly practical, dealing with ministry and leadership. The Biblical courses will be taught from the pulpit of Verity Baptist Church. We believe the church is sufficient to teach all the Bible. The Institute will provide content not taught in a church setting (like song leading or church finances).
If a man were to take only the leadership classes, they would receive a Biblical Leadership Certificate upon completion. A man who completes the leadership and ministry tracks (including the at-home Bible courses) will receive a Biblical Leadership Diploma. (Other classes may be required to graduate, like completing the VBC Soul Winning Seminar and the VBC Discipleship course.)
The Biblical Leadership Institute’s curriculum is based on Pastor Jimenez’s years of ministry experience. He aims to help men become the Biblical Leaders God has called them to be and to help men entering the ministry become leaders of thriving churches that grow without compromise. If you are looking for this type of training, we hope you will join us at Pastor Roger Jimenez’s Biblical Leadership Institute!
Pastor Roger Jimenez and his wife, Ms. Joann Jimenez, started Verity Baptist Church in their living room in Sacramento, California, in September 2010. Pastor Roger and Ms. Joann Jimenez have led the church to grow and become a strong, healthy, and thriving church. The church has started several successful church plants, trained and ordained several successful pastors, and purchased a multimillion-dollar 4-acre property with a 400-seat auditorium. Pastor Jimenez is a sought-after speaker who preaches at conferences and events nationwide and has been featured in many documentaries. The Biblical Leadership Institute’s curriculum is based on Pastor Jimenez’s years of ministry experience. He aims to help men become the Biblical Leaders God has called them to be and to help men entering the ministry become leaders of thriving churches that grow without compromise. If you are looking for this type of training, we hope you will join us at Pastor Roger Jimenez’s Biblical Leadership Institute!